Monday, April 6, 2009

In answer to some very personal questions....

I am trying as hard as I can to keep this blog kid friendly. Recently, very recently, I received some very disturbing emails pertaining to what age a girl should begin having sexual intercourse. The girl who sent the letter to me states that she is thirteen years of age. Other kids have sent me emails asking advice on different subjects. Most have to do with dating, sex, and things teenagers worry about. On this posting, I am going to address some serious questions sent to me.

First of all, I give out a bit of personal information on my facebook page. You have to be an accepted friend to get to that information. Am I trying to hide things from the public? No, I just value my privacy, plus, I have a few celebrity friends on there, and we use facebook as a means for us to communicate without the world knowing. Emails can and do get intercepted. The reason I include this tidbit of information is to emphasize that I do value my privacy, and as well the privacy of my friends.

Maria (not her real name) you need to understand something, at the age of thirteen, you are far too young to even consider havin an active sex life. You are still a child. You do not need to be texting explicit photos of yourself to anyone. Child, there should not even be photos of you without clothing on. Am I old fashioned? No, I keep up with modern things. Am I old? That is a matter of opinion, but, I will state that I am old enough to be your mother's father, and possibly, her grandfather. You asked my advice and so I am going to give it to you. From my heart to yours.

The first thing I want you to understand is that your body is yours, not your boyfriend's and it is certainly not a toy. When someone, and I mean anyone, touches you on your private parts, or touches you in an inappropriate manner, you need to tell someone in authority. My suggestion is to go to your favorite teacher at school, and let them know everything that took place. Do not make up things that did not happen, but by the same token, be honest when you tell what happened.

I do not care what your friends tell you, you are too young to be going out on dates at the age of thirteen. A more appropriate age to begin dating is sixteen, and then, whomever you go on the date with should keep their hands unto themselves. There are so many sexually transmitted diseases circulating around in our society, that to be active sexually is a good way to die young, and in pain. I will not try to preach my morals to you, or the other kids who email me. However, I will tell you all one big thing to are children, not adults. Enjoy being a kid for as long as you can, you have the rest of your life to be an adult. I will answer the rest of the inquiries by email. Be warned though, I do keep copies, and if there is something I feel is close to being illegal, I do report it to the appropriate authorities.


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