I care not what religion you subscribe to, or even if you have no religion. Patrick Swayze needs all the prayers and positive energy sent in his direction that you folks can put forth. NO! I DO NOT KNOW THE MAN. I CAN LOVE HIM, AND HIS FAMILY, WITHOUT EVER HAVING MET HIM! The man is no coward, but, his pain right now has to be intense. I know, I have been through cancer, it hurts. He needs comfort, as does his family. I hope he gets over this situtation. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Rudeness is rudeness, regardless the intent....
Not long ago I got a page on facebook. Actually, several of my friends kept pestering me until I caved in and got one. I like my privacy, and facebook seemed okay. I also had a myspace page, I quit it after getting swarmed with folks. I still get quite a few hits on this blog every week, even though I post infrequently now. I am very busy lately. What prompted me to write on my blog tonite? Well, one of the things I have noticed on facebook ,is that celebrities allow someone to sign on as their "friend" and then the person allowed access, begins to push for personal information. If the celebrity wanted that information to be public, they would put it up for all to see. You also have the situation where someone other than the actual celebrity, poses as said celebrity, and begins making a mess. Usually, this is someone who wants others to see that they are friends with the celebrity listed, on their friends page, of their facebook account. Below is an aerial photograph of Garth Brooks' new home.

I can promise you, that if you sneak in on Garth and Trisha's ranch, and actually make contact with ol' Garth...he will personally kick your ass!

So friends, because you are included on someone's facebook friends list, does not mean you are actually that person's friend. If you want to be a real friend to them, stop prying into their private life. Those of you who read this blog, and are my friends, have my personal email address, and can get a prompt reply from me, as well as my phone numbers. If you do not have that email address, we are just friendly, not close friends.

I can promise you, that if you sneak in on Garth and Trisha's ranch, and actually make contact with ol' Garth...he will personally kick your ass!
Long gone are the days I would sit in my secret hide-out and write on my first book. There was barely enough room in that tiny cubicle to get around the desk holding those two computers. Do I miss those days? NO! I had just been in a bad car wreck, and my friend Cliff Jones would come up as often as he could to check on me. Those days were very painful, physically.

So friends, because you are included on someone's facebook friends list, does not mean you are actually that person's friend. If you want to be a real friend to them, stop prying into their private life. Those of you who read this blog, and are my friends, have my personal email address, and can get a prompt reply from me, as well as my phone numbers. If you do not have that email address, we are just friendly, not close friends.
Monday, April 6, 2009
In answer to some very personal questions....
I am trying as hard as I can to keep this blog kid friendly. Recently, very recently, I received some very disturbing emails pertaining to what age a girl should begin having sexual intercourse. The girl who sent the letter to me states that she is thirteen years of age. Other kids have sent me emails asking advice on different subjects. Most have to do with dating, sex, and things teenagers worry about. On this posting, I am going to address some serious questions sent to me.
First of all, I give out a bit of personal information on my facebook page. You have to be an accepted friend to get to that information. Am I trying to hide things from the public? No, I just value my privacy, plus, I have a few celebrity friends on there, and we use facebook as a means for us to communicate without the world knowing. Emails can and do get intercepted. The reason I include this tidbit of information is to emphasize that I do value my privacy, and as well the privacy of my friends.
Maria (not her real name) you need to understand something, at the age of thirteen, you are far too young to even consider havin an active sex life. You are still a child. You do not need to be texting explicit photos of yourself to anyone. Child, there should not even be photos of you without clothing on. Am I old fashioned? No, I keep up with modern things. Am I old? That is a matter of opinion, but, I will state that I am old enough to be your mother's father, and possibly, her grandfather. You asked my advice and so I am going to give it to you. From my heart to yours.
The first thing I want you to understand is that your body is yours, not your boyfriend's and it is certainly not a toy. When someone, and I mean anyone, touches you on your private parts, or touches you in an inappropriate manner, you need to tell someone in authority. My suggestion is to go to your favorite teacher at school, and let them know everything that took place. Do not make up things that did not happen, but by the same token, be honest when you tell what happened.
I do not care what your friends tell you, you are too young to be going out on dates at the age of thirteen. A more appropriate age to begin dating is sixteen, and then, whomever you go on the date with should keep their hands unto themselves. There are so many sexually transmitted diseases circulating around in our society, that to be active sexually is a good way to die young, and in pain. I will not try to preach my morals to you, or the other kids who email me. However, I will tell you all one big thing to remember....you are children, not adults. Enjoy being a kid for as long as you can, you have the rest of your life to be an adult. I will answer the rest of the inquiries by email. Be warned though, I do keep copies, and if there is something I feel is close to being illegal, I do report it to the appropriate authorities.
First of all, I give out a bit of personal information on my facebook page. You have to be an accepted friend to get to that information. Am I trying to hide things from the public? No, I just value my privacy, plus, I have a few celebrity friends on there, and we use facebook as a means for us to communicate without the world knowing. Emails can and do get intercepted. The reason I include this tidbit of information is to emphasize that I do value my privacy, and as well the privacy of my friends.
Maria (not her real name) you need to understand something, at the age of thirteen, you are far too young to even consider havin an active sex life. You are still a child. You do not need to be texting explicit photos of yourself to anyone. Child, there should not even be photos of you without clothing on. Am I old fashioned? No, I keep up with modern things. Am I old? That is a matter of opinion, but, I will state that I am old enough to be your mother's father, and possibly, her grandfather. You asked my advice and so I am going to give it to you. From my heart to yours.
The first thing I want you to understand is that your body is yours, not your boyfriend's and it is certainly not a toy. When someone, and I mean anyone, touches you on your private parts, or touches you in an inappropriate manner, you need to tell someone in authority. My suggestion is to go to your favorite teacher at school, and let them know everything that took place. Do not make up things that did not happen, but by the same token, be honest when you tell what happened.
I do not care what your friends tell you, you are too young to be going out on dates at the age of thirteen. A more appropriate age to begin dating is sixteen, and then, whomever you go on the date with should keep their hands unto themselves. There are so many sexually transmitted diseases circulating around in our society, that to be active sexually is a good way to die young, and in pain. I will not try to preach my morals to you, or the other kids who email me. However, I will tell you all one big thing to remember....you are children, not adults. Enjoy being a kid for as long as you can, you have the rest of your life to be an adult. I will answer the rest of the inquiries by email. Be warned though, I do keep copies, and if there is something I feel is close to being illegal, I do report it to the appropriate authorities.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Dry as a bone.....
It is dry in the Arbuckles. Actually, all of Murray County, Oklahoma is dry. Actually, all of Southern Oklahoma is dry.....

It does not matter how dry it gets, if there is any way at all to make mudpies, my grandkidz will figure it out....

It does not matter how dry it gets, if there is any way at all to make mudpies, my grandkidz will figure it out....
This is my favorite fishing creek, Rock Creek. Usually, you can thow a line out, and within five minutes you have one of the largest Sun Perches you have ever seen. Yes, even though they are bony, I cook 'em up and eat 'em anyway. There is usually Catfish, Crappie, Sand Bass, Large Mouth Bass, and Alligator Gar in the creek too. I do catch and eat all the above. The one thing thwarting that past-time is the fact that where all that monkey grass is in the creek, it is usually under a nice flowing stream...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Idol Worship....
I receive a great deal of email pertaining to celebrities. Yes, I know quite a few, and most I met long before I ever got published as an author. From the bent of most emails, there is quite a bit of idol worshipping going on. Not just kids, I get emails from adults wanting to know everything I know about so and so....Well, ain't gonna happen, not specifics anyway.
I do want to let those of you who persist in asking know, no, I am not rich, and no, I do not hang out with a bunch of movie stars. Did I used to? NO! Mostly, it was my job to protect them. I still honor those non-disclosure agreements I had to sign, even though I was a cop most of the time.
I will tell you one thing to remember. Most of the folks you idolize are miserable, especially the screen actors. They have all your warts, and then some that are much larger than yours. You might also be surprised to know that many of them, even the prime "A" list movie stars, are always in need to gather more money. When you have multiple homes, a large staff, lots of expensive habits, it takes boatloads of cash to service all that stuff. When you own multiple homes, and you are a celebrity, you cannot just leave the house locked and only unlock it when you are staying there. People can and will break into your home and steal anything they can, especially if you are a celebrity, ergo, they have to have someone living there.
I do want to say one more thing. The celebrities I know can be broken down into two categories of actors:
Those who will work on stage as a preference, and do the big screen once in awhile, and those who desperately work on maintaining their status as a screen actor. I have found those who work on stage have a much firmer grasp as to what really matters in life.
Rock Stars? Known a bunch, worked for a bunch, jammed with a bunch, and they have their own world they live in. There are good and bad in all different categories of celebrities.
I know a large amount of celebrity types who are always broke, always needing an infusion of cash. They never learned that their hedonistic habits create situations whereby they can end up broke. This is more prevalent all the time. There are pawnshops in the Hollyweird area who specialize in lending to movie stars and such. Believe me when I tell you those pawnshops are making a great deal of money right now. When you can loan a thousand dollars on a wrist watch containing three thousand dollars worth of gold......well, you get the picture. This is the last time I will address this subject on this blog. I am too busy to answer all the different emails I receive, and no, I am not being stuck up...I just do not have time to answer all of them. I try specifically to answer the ones I know are from a kid, the rest I usually do a mass mailing as way of an answer. I have to get off this infernal machine now, and tend to business.
I do want to let those of you who persist in asking know, no, I am not rich, and no, I do not hang out with a bunch of movie stars. Did I used to? NO! Mostly, it was my job to protect them. I still honor those non-disclosure agreements I had to sign, even though I was a cop most of the time.
I will tell you one thing to remember. Most of the folks you idolize are miserable, especially the screen actors. They have all your warts, and then some that are much larger than yours. You might also be surprised to know that many of them, even the prime "A" list movie stars, are always in need to gather more money. When you have multiple homes, a large staff, lots of expensive habits, it takes boatloads of cash to service all that stuff. When you own multiple homes, and you are a celebrity, you cannot just leave the house locked and only unlock it when you are staying there. People can and will break into your home and steal anything they can, especially if you are a celebrity, ergo, they have to have someone living there.
I do want to say one more thing. The celebrities I know can be broken down into two categories of actors:
Those who will work on stage as a preference, and do the big screen once in awhile, and those who desperately work on maintaining their status as a screen actor. I have found those who work on stage have a much firmer grasp as to what really matters in life.
Rock Stars? Known a bunch, worked for a bunch, jammed with a bunch, and they have their own world they live in. There are good and bad in all different categories of celebrities.
I know a large amount of celebrity types who are always broke, always needing an infusion of cash. They never learned that their hedonistic habits create situations whereby they can end up broke. This is more prevalent all the time. There are pawnshops in the Hollyweird area who specialize in lending to movie stars and such. Believe me when I tell you those pawnshops are making a great deal of money right now. When you can loan a thousand dollars on a wrist watch containing three thousand dollars worth of gold......well, you get the picture. This is the last time I will address this subject on this blog. I am too busy to answer all the different emails I receive, and no, I am not being stuck up...I just do not have time to answer all of them. I try specifically to answer the ones I know are from a kid, the rest I usually do a mass mailing as way of an answer. I have to get off this infernal machine now, and tend to business.
Why Not to Drink Booze.....
I am trying to keep this blog kid friendly, I think the following can be viewed as a public service....

It was a very convoluted path I took, to get to the point that I actually have a large number of celebrity friends and contacts. The process was too long for me to post on here. Me? Nope, I ain't rich, and am just a tad famous. Most of my celeb friends I have had for years and years. Only one of these folks displayed in this posting used to be a friend. Now? I won't elaborate, but we no longer speak, write email, or anything else. The celeb knows which one I am speaking of.

I also have many friends in the papparazzi business. Hope I spelled that right. They send me their latest photos, after they have been published, and are in the public domain. You notice I am not attaching any names to these photographs.

It was a very convoluted path I took, to get to the point that I actually have a large number of celebrity friends and contacts. The process was too long for me to post on here. Me? Nope, I ain't rich, and am just a tad famous. Most of my celeb friends I have had for years and years. Only one of these folks displayed in this posting used to be a friend. Now? I won't elaborate, but we no longer speak, write email, or anything else. The celeb knows which one I am speaking of.

I also have many friends in the papparazzi business. Hope I spelled that right. They send me their latest photos, after they have been published, and are in the public domain. You notice I am not attaching any names to these photographs.
Any one of these folks could buy and sell me out of their petty cash fund. However, even with all the worldly goods these folks have, they seem to have this drive to get drunk at times.
I guess they all have their own demons to quash. I mean after all, alcohol makes one appear so glamourous!

Do any of these folks ever read this blog? I know that at least my old friend does. There is an obsession there, the need for control. Alcohol and drugs, can and will, destroy personal relationships. Not just with family and friends, but also with business partners. Just push away from that bottle and things will improve, I promise they will. I have prime examples of this being true in my own family. Nuff said...

Do any of these folks ever read this blog? I know that at least my old friend does. There is an obsession there, the need for control. Alcohol and drugs, can and will, destroy personal relationships. Not just with family and friends, but also with business partners. Just push away from that bottle and things will improve, I promise they will. I have prime examples of this being true in my own family. Nuff said...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Dining at Bill's.....
One of the best kept secrets in southern Oklahoma, is a small restaurant, tucked away in the town of Davis, named Bill's Chester Fried Chicken.....

Bill Mayo and his wife Julia, work really hard at providing the best meal you ever put your mouth around. Their menu is so large, they have to post it in sections around the restaurant.....
Bill Mayo and his wife Julia, work really hard at providing the best meal you ever put your mouth around. Their menu is so large, they have to post it in sections around the restaurant.....
Today, March 24, is my marriage anniversary, so yesterday Linda and I went to Bill's to eat a steak, we always celebrate early. The salads Bill brought out were huge, and we had the run of the buffet if we wanted it too. Incidently, the un-named (due to request) celebrity couple in the background were thoroughly enjoying their meal. Bill seems to draw quite a few "A" listers when they are in southern Oklahoma. Word got out I guess.....
Friday, March 20, 2009
Yesterday, at Bill's Chester Fried Chicken Restaurant....
One of my best friends, a guy named Bill Mayo, owns a restaurant in Davis, Oklahoma. I hide there some times when I do not want to be bothered. I will turn off my cell phone, sit at a table, and become enjoined in conversation with another close friend of mine, a guy named Sammy Kiser. Yesterday evening, Bill, Sammy, and I sat discussing how all three of us are severely technologically challenged. None of the three of us would qualify to be a nerd.

The particular issue yesterday evening was the fact that I do not understand cameras. More specifically, my digital camera. I like Bill's digital camera much better, it uses 3&1/2 inch floppy disks to download the pictures.

The particular issue yesterday evening was the fact that I do not understand cameras. More specifically, my digital camera. I like Bill's digital camera much better, it uses 3&1/2 inch floppy disks to download the pictures.
I went to the local Walmart to buy some floppy disks to use, in case Bill would loan me his camera to take some pictures with. I like storing the photographs on the floppy disks, then later I can put them on this blog, or email them to somebody.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
To Kevin, Kathy, and Natalie....
Howdy Y'all,
I decided to give you a greeting on this blog. You guys are really kewl. I am glad you enjoyed your meal at my buddy Bill's place. Just think about how good that food was, and that is the food which will be getting served three times per day on our movie set this summer. Stay in touch, you have my personal email address, and I will give y'all an invite to come up from Tejas and watch us film. Once again, blessings upon your family and all those you love. TwoWolf
I decided to give you a greeting on this blog. You guys are really kewl. I am glad you enjoyed your meal at my buddy Bill's place. Just think about how good that food was, and that is the food which will be getting served three times per day on our movie set this summer. Stay in touch, you have my personal email address, and I will give y'all an invite to come up from Tejas and watch us film. Once again, blessings upon your family and all those you love. TwoWolf
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Answers on camera questions.....
I get an unusual amount of email, for somebody who is basically a professional grandfather... One of the questions that many recent emails seemed to want to know is, what kind of equipment we use to do our filming? The answer is kind of complicated....

My family and I, sold off some belongings, and real estate, and basically just came up with money to make equipment purchases. We began collecting motion picture equipment years ago, we knew we would end up being in the business due to my being an author, and due to my sons also being writers....

My family and I, sold off some belongings, and real estate, and basically just came up with money to make equipment purchases. We began collecting motion picture equipment years ago, we knew we would end up being in the business due to my being an author, and due to my sons also being writers....
On the camera end of things, we started out buying the bigger cameras that have been used for decades to film movies with. Most of those cameras are still in storage. We tried Arriflex, Panaflex, Bolex, and a few other larger cinematic cameras. These dinosaurs have to have a great deal of other equipment to get a good product together. We then decided to use smaller, digital type cameras. We chose two brands to experiment with, JVC, and Sony.
We do a lot of night filming, and Sony seems to fit the bill on everything we are trying to do. This is not saying JVC makes a bad product, we just like our Sony cameras a lot more. The equipment set up is much easier, and the end result when editing is greater. We are still using our JVC cameras to film daytime shots on OUTDOOR SURVIVAL SKILLS, WITH DUSTY COUNTS, but on all night shots, we shoot with the Sony cameras. I hope this answered the questions I have been getting.
One final answer, no, we will not be giving any equipment away to film students, or other interested parties wanting to become film makers. My simple reason for this is that we always keep extra equipment as back up, in case we end up needing it for a project. We do not view other companies as competition, we view ourselves as competition.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
To my family, friends, fans, and readers of this blog....
I know I have not been posting on this blog like I said I would. You need to cut me a bit of slack. I also have not been answering the avalanche of emails I have been receiving. I need to give a few explanations, but will give no apologies. I had two close friends, and one of the women who raised me, die recently. I have been in mourning, and have not been in a good mood. I reasoned that I needed a bit of down time from life, and everything else that goes with life.

You folks need to understand another problem that has been approaching me on an ever increasing tempo. My sons own a motion picture company. They own it in name only, I put up the money, I make most of the decisions. Yes, it is a real company, and being such, it has to be fed on occasion. Well, right now we are feeding it to make up for the down time we have had recently.
You folks need to understand another problem that has been approaching me on an ever increasing tempo. My sons own a motion picture company. They own it in name only, I put up the money, I make most of the decisions. Yes, it is a real company, and being such, it has to be fed on occasion. Well, right now we are feeding it to make up for the down time we have had recently.
We are currently involved in three projects that take a great deal of attention, and an even greater amount of time. The first project is titled, OUTDOOR SURVIVAL SKILLS WITH DUSTY COUNTS. This project has been on the boards for awhile now, and we have finally begun to film in earnest.
Filming takes a great deal more than just a four person crew doing the video and audio capture on site. We have to not only get raw footage, we then have to send it in to our in-house editing department, then after editing, we view the dailies, and if it is not right, we go back and do it all over again. This takes time, and it takes a lot of money.

Our company also has two immediate projects we are involved in. One is titled I AIN'T SKEERED, this is a comedy that is basically about folks sitting around a campfire, and telling each other scary stories. The second comedy is titled, MURRAY COUNTY WEEKENDS. I am not at liberty to disclose the content of this program, but it is very funny. This summer, 2009, we begin filming our first two feature length motion pictures. Yes, real live, big budget, movies. Replete with theater presentation, DVD sales, and everything else that goes with it. So to say I am busy right now is a major understatement. I am fairly well over my grief, and will try to put uplifting things on this blog from now on. I love all of you, and love the emails, keep 'em coming.

Our company also has two immediate projects we are involved in. One is titled I AIN'T SKEERED, this is a comedy that is basically about folks sitting around a campfire, and telling each other scary stories. The second comedy is titled, MURRAY COUNTY WEEKENDS. I am not at liberty to disclose the content of this program, but it is very funny. This summer, 2009, we begin filming our first two feature length motion pictures. Yes, real live, big budget, movies. Replete with theater presentation, DVD sales, and everything else that goes with it. So to say I am busy right now is a major understatement. I am fairly well over my grief, and will try to put uplifting things on this blog from now on. I love all of you, and love the emails, keep 'em coming.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Patrick Swayze
To the best of my knowledge, I have never met Patrick Swayze, and may never meet the man. I like his movies. The point of this blog posting, is to ask all of you who read my blog, and who are into praying, to pray for Patrick to recover from his pancreatic cancer.

Like I said, I have never met the man, but my brother in Arizona, John, has. From all the sources I have at my disposal, I have gathered that Patrick Swayze is a very good man. Someone who is given to doing for others. His difficulties are very relative to me. I have beaten cancer twice, once in my prostate, again in my left kidney. Cancer hurts, it is a painful disease. It is also deadly.

I took all tracking mechanisms off this blog. Actually, off my old blog. I am not in a popularity contest. I do believe I have comparable numbers this time around, but, the main thing is that if you are reading this, and if you feel so inclined, pray for Mr. Swayze to regain his health. I am also going to pray that the pain abates, and he is able to rest. I personally would like him to be around for years to come, and to make some more movies for me to enjoy. But mostly, mostly I want his family to have him around. So in closing, Patrick, if by any chance you end up reading this blog, our prayers are there for you buddy.

Like I said, I have never met the man, but my brother in Arizona, John, has. From all the sources I have at my disposal, I have gathered that Patrick Swayze is a very good man. Someone who is given to doing for others. His difficulties are very relative to me. I have beaten cancer twice, once in my prostate, again in my left kidney. Cancer hurts, it is a painful disease. It is also deadly.

I took all tracking mechanisms off this blog. Actually, off my old blog. I am not in a popularity contest. I do believe I have comparable numbers this time around, but, the main thing is that if you are reading this, and if you feel so inclined, pray for Mr. Swayze to regain his health. I am also going to pray that the pain abates, and he is able to rest. I personally would like him to be around for years to come, and to make some more movies for me to enjoy. But mostly, mostly I want his family to have him around. So in closing, Patrick, if by any chance you end up reading this blog, our prayers are there for you buddy.
The Books.....
Several individuals have pestered me to the point that I have caved in....

Above is the first book in the series Waaaay Out There. It's title is Diggertown, Oklahoma. It has everything in it but the kitchen sink.

The second book in the ten book series is Waaaay Out There! Arbuckle Treasure Hunt. The book is a continuation of the first, as are the following eight books yet to be published. These books, are and will be published, by Dandelion Books. I have a link to the publishing company in my links column.

Above is the first book in the series Waaaay Out There. It's title is Diggertown, Oklahoma. It has everything in it but the kitchen sink.

The second book in the ten book series is Waaaay Out There! Arbuckle Treasure Hunt. The book is a continuation of the first, as are the following eight books yet to be published. These books, are and will be published, by Dandelion Books. I have a link to the publishing company in my links column.
This is my first book published by Trilogus Publishing. There will be more books at a later date. This book is basically about the end times of our planet. It is a work of fiction, and my friend who published it said it best on the intro. You will find the link to Trilogus in my links column.
My son wrote this book and it was published by Trilogus this past year. This is the premier Vampyre book of all Vampyre books. It is a very good read.
Well guys, this is the best I can do for the time being, I am very busy right now and will post more in the following days.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Funeral Notice......
Many fans, friends, and a few family members have emailed me asking why I have not kept the blog active and fun. Well folks, I have been more busy than you would believe. We begin filming a new television series this coming Sunday. But most importantly, one of my favorite people in the whole world died last week. It still brings tears to my eyes to think about it.

This photograph is of a much, much younger Marie Price. Marie was my mother's sister, and died at the young age of 81 years. She went to Heaven in her sleep, painlessly. Marie, or Ain't Ree as I called her, was my second mother. All of the really important wisdom I learned in life, I learned from the ladies in my family. My mother, grandmothers, aunts, all these women made an indelible impression on a very open and fresh young mind. Marie was one of the hardest working human beings you would ever meet. When I looked down at her, as she lay in her coffin, she looked so tiny, so sweet. Her surviving husband, Emmett Price, looked old and withered at the funeral. He too has been a great influence for good in my life. Gentle, kind folks these. Hard working ranching family, always there to help others. I miss my aunt and intend to get over and visit my uncle a bunch more in the future.
Well kids, this is why I have not been posting. I will probably be away from the keyboard a bit more, but will try to post as I can.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
My Being Absent......
As many of my readers, and especially readers of my old blog know....

Three of my thirteen grandchildren live on a large ranch about two miles away from me.....

Three of my thirteen grandchildren live on a large ranch about two miles away from me.....
The large area they have to run and play is excellent, best childhood a kid could have....
Their living situation affords Cheyenne and Aurora the opportunity to run and play, and just enjoy being children....

Normally, they would have an unlimited amount of freedom to do just that, run and play....

They would be running and playing with Spot, the horse who thinks he is a dog, or their dog, Vertigo, who thinks she is the boss of the world, or their numerous cats, who know they are the bosses of the world.

Normally, they would have an unlimited amount of freedom to do just that, run and play....

They would be running and playing with Spot, the horse who thinks he is a dog, or their dog, Vertigo, who thinks she is the boss of the world, or their numerous cats, who know they are the bosses of the world.
However, I felt that in my own way, I would explain to the kids who email me and read this blog, I have been away due to a very bad tornado having hit a town near where we live. I have several good friends and relatives who have lost homes and other belongings. I am not trying to put a downward slant on this blog, I just felt a need to explain on here, so all you guys could read it at once, instead of me having to send out a boatload of emails. Nobody in my immediate family got hurt, but there is debri spread all over the countryside here. So, I have been tending to friends and such, and have not had the time to post for the last few days. I will try to do better in the next few days, but I am still busy. The folks in Lone Grove, Oklahoma, seriously need your prayers right now.
Monday, February 9, 2009
To 12 year old Sariah in Kansas City.........
Actually, this posting is for Chucky, Abigail, Amanda, Bibi, Lawrence, Taylor, Jimmy, Jimmie, Curtis, Sariah, Sharon, Cheryl, and Tina....
This will answer a few questions.....
Yes Sariah, I did have a dog named Max. My family inherited Max from a local person who died in a car accident. We had a choice of adopting Max, or the man's father was going to have Max put to sleep. Max lived an extra twelve years and we never regretted taking him in.

My two grandkids who live the closest to me, played with Max regularly. He loved to have them pet him......
This will answer a few questions.....
Yes Sariah, I did have a dog named Max. My family inherited Max from a local person who died in a car accident. We had a choice of adopting Max, or the man's father was going to have Max put to sleep. Max lived an extra twelve years and we never regretted taking him in.

My two grandkids who live the closest to me, played with Max regularly. He loved to have them pet him......
There are many dogs who chase cars, Max did not chase cars, he raced them. Many times he would outrun the car, when racing it for one block.
The above photo is of a black lab, similar to what Max looked like. He was a lab/pitbull cross. Half and half. He was the most loyal, gentle, and affectionate dog we have had. Max died this past December. He just could not run any longer. Now for the other three questions......
Yes kids, my old blog got struck down. I made a certain individual angry, and he sabotaged my blog, then, he hacked into the blog with professional software, and then he deleted the blog. He is in serious trouble right now.
Yes, I decided to have a totally child friendly blog. My reason for this, is there are precious few blogs out there which are actually kid friendly. There is no need for profanity, lewd subject matter, or stupidity. I want this blog to be so you and your friends can visit it any time you want.
Final answer, I took the hit counter off the blog due to there not actually being any need for one. I am not in a popularity contest with anyone else in the bloggersphere, I am doing this for fun, and no other reason. Yes, there is an add to sell my books, but that is just an aside to what is the real reason for the blog. The real reason? You kids! I want to have a place that is fun, while the rest of the world is in the process of worrying itself to death.
To Our Long Suffering Tax Lady, Melissa.......
Everyone in my family considers turning me loose with a camera, akin to giving a loaded handgun to a Chimp....

I promise my readers, Melissa is much, much prettier than the photo above. I am death on cameras.....

There are quite a few things I am good at.......

I promise my readers, Melissa is much, much prettier than the photo above. I am death on cameras.....
There are quite a few things I am good at.......
Using a camera is not one of the things I am good at......
Having my son and I walk into your office, sit down, and make the other customers nervous.... Well? That is just the HillBilly way, I guess......
However, for what it is worth, you did a very professional job in dealing with my son and myself today. Give this URL to your boss, let the boss know you are doing a good job of taking care of things. Next time, I will take time to let someone else use the camera.
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